Gifted & Talented

Gifted and Talented Programming for Advanced Learners


Warder Elementary believe in high expectations for ALL of our learners, including those identified as having a Advanced Learning Plan (ALP).  These students receive curriculum above grade-level standards and have multiple assessment results that show advanced performance.

Gifted and Talented Program Coordinators, work alongside the regular classroom teacher so enrichment and acceleration can be provided for students on ALPs as well as students that show advanced learning potential. Often, advanced learning potential is identified with an advanced score on one or more of the CoGat or State assessments.

The district directive is to provide support for students displaying advanced work, or the potential for advanced work, to be provided with additional support within the classroom.  Our teachers, through the work of professional learning communities (PLCs), provide instruction that meets the needs of all learners, including our advanced learners.

If you have specific questions about how Warder serves our advanced learners, please reach out to Jen Chavez, assistant principal, at (303) 982-7410, or by email, [email protected].  

GT Spotlight:

May 2023 - The Joy and Challenge of Transitions

What does the research say? Transitions are challenging for any child, but the Davidson Institute reports that unique characteristics of gifted students have a special impact during times of change.  High personal standards, intense focus, and independence often protect gifted students in times of transition while other characteristics may make transitions trickier.  Asynchronous development in executive functioning skills and overexcitabilities that result in intense reactions may impact GT students experiencing transitions.  Read more here.

Weeks 1-4:  Practicing these skills at home will help students manage transitions with less stress and anxiety and more confidence!


Spring Fling


Set clear boundaries with time and resist offering multiple time extensions.

  • Use a kitchen timer or visual clock (not digital) to help students learn to conceptualize time and how much time a task should take.
  • Give verbal cues to wrap up one task before starting a new one.
  • Keep routines as predictable and regular as possible.


Reset rituals are short, easily accessible, sensorial practices that can help kids reset before or after a transition.

  • Don’t rush in the morning! Allow the body to adjust to being awake with a calm breakfast, mindful breathing, or light stretching. Just looking out the window can help!
  • Take frequent breaks from a task to walk around, stretch and get a drink.
  • Positively reinforce your completion of a task with something pleasant or enjoyable like listening to a favorite song, reading a favorite book, singing a song, etc.
  • Take a break and ground yourself in your 5 senses. What can you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel?


Breathing is a great tool for calming our bodies and minds. UC Health reports that breathing deeply comes with various benefits, including slowing the heartbeat, lowering or stabilizing blood pressure and lowering stress. Choose among some of the options for practicing breathing and do them together when calm. Then, talk about and practice using these techniques the next time stress comes knocking.


Use cues at home to signal transitions from one activity to another. The cues can be based on:

  • Smell - coffee, diffused oil, or tea
  • Sound - music, a chime, or a family created playlist
  • Lighting - warm soft light to promote wakefulness, natural and direct light for daytime focus, and indirect or dim light to relax